17 December 2011

The rose colored shades

We both had a pair. Large retro frames, our rose colored shades. It was a love affair, all of seven ages and four months. She had glorious long hair, billowing down to her waist . The first few stages are hazy in my mind. All I remember is that we were born together once. It was the age of innocence.

After that I remember only memories of us lying on our bed. Her eyes always tilted towards the sky,  whispering poems. Sometimes she sang famous verses and sometimes a made up ramble of jumbled feelings.

She had questions I had no answers to. But still she never hesitated to ask. She asked me if she could be a mother but not a wife.  She asked me if she could be a wife and a child. She asked me if she could be nobody. She asked me if she could be my wife. And in all this, did I mention I was mute but she heard me louder than I ever heard her speak. She asked me if I was her's. She asked me if she could be my wife.

My lips moved in a melancholic dance but not a word did they utter. Not a sigh of soothing relief, not a whimper, not a scream. And like this when we had passed many ages just lying on our bed, one day she made up her mind. I knew not what moment, had I noticed I would have done something. But with really brave hands, and an ominous sleigh of hand, she took off her rose shades. Before I knew she looked around and then turned her gaze. For the first time I saw them. Her eyes were large and set in a deep shade of pain. And when she looked into mine, her gaze couldn't penetrate my rose coloured haze. And so before I knew she merged into thin air. Vanish - like a childish magic game. She was gone.

And then I realized lying half dead. What was gone was a part of me. Her voice echoed in my dreams. I was haunted and there was no escape. So in a second I decided to do the same. But my sleigh of hand didn't know the routine and instead into my heart a dagger it did press. The red circle over my heart grew bigger and bigger until finally there was a whimper. I froze with my eyes strained towards the sky and saw her smiling at me through my rose colored shades.

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