31 October 2012

Hurricane over kill

New York has come to a partial standstill after Hurricane Sandy. With the kaput subway system, New Yorkers are feeling the brunt of the storm. While things were rather calm and unaffected Uptown, other parts suffered. I, at my apartment in Washington Heights, stayed warm and safe throughout. We had electricity, gas and my roommate screened movies every night in his room.
It is questionable when things will get back to normal. For now, we'll all walk a few blocks extra, until it's time to swipe that metro card again.

26 September 2012

An ode to copywriting

Advertising writers who believe that they're selling a product will always only do that. Except advertising writers have a job, just a little bit greater than that. For those who wrote a commercial, a headline, a tag line to sell product X, just did not love product X enough. Because it is not about enforcing a way of life onto someone, it's about sharing. Sharing - yes, that thing from the yore that we all seem to have forgotten. It is that excitement of stumbling upon the wonderfulness of product X that you want to tell the world about. You want them to try it, to share your experience and validate the wonderfulness of product X. If you haven't raised product X to that level, you haven't done your job. If you haven't shared with the consumer your unique story about product X then you haven't done your job.

 For everyone who believes that the job of an advertising writer is the same job as that of a salesman, they did not understand why the creative department was ever called so. It is not any kind of idealism preaching. I am not speaking about meditating to let your creative juices flow, so you can create a divine piece of art solely understandable by you and entirely for your personal satisfaction. It's about how well you tell your story, how well you share, how much you love product X, how much you care about the consumer and how well you express that to them. Because if you started with the agenda to sell it, then you asked them to buy it. Though they can tell when you're doing that. They don't need to be told. And they don't need to be told if product x is great or that it will give them a third eye. They won't care.

But would they care, if it was about you, who is very much like them, and told them what happened to you when you tried product X? If you made an honest appeal, if you just whispered into their ears, your little story, it would be enough and more than the shout of the salesman. So for everyone else who believed they got a sales job when they were hired as a copywriter, should just setup shop at the cash counter of the nearest departmental store. I know, many great men said, it's about selling a product. But I am sorry I don't completely agree and I know you probably don't understand me either. And that's why I will never be an advertising writer again.

27 July 2012


Call me a mishap or a fatherless mongrel, we're all the same and equal sinners.
We've floated in our mother's womb alike and woken up to the same freaking world.
It is only a matter of perspective, not fate, I believe.
You and I are twins, on the other sides of the mirror.

Each of us remain, holding the same pinwheel in our hand. The one that's called life.
Then why do you believe you have the hues and me the monotones?
Notice when it circles with the wind, they are all white and all the same.

Take moment and think. While you maybe not, I am still a lovechild.

(Saved from another one of my blogs)

10 July 2012

What is life without drinks and drama and scandals and ideals and fights and dissatisfactions? Would we be entirely happy if there was no "sad". Would we like to love if there was no pain? Does it matter where we are going? Could we love two people at one time? Why is "wrong" so bad and "right" always good? Why doesn't all lands belong to every man? When will things change? Will they ever change?

19 May 2012

Living alone....aaah! Can't open a bottle of pickle :(

02 May 2012

Ladies, come out of the closet.

It is true that there are very few female filmmakers around the world. And if I was capable enough to conduct a research on "why" I would. But since I am not qualified enough for that I would just like to evaluate the possibilities of changing this.

Observations from film school:
1. Men don't discuss camera and technical aspects with women. At least not to the same extent as they do with male colleagues and neither with equal joy and exuberance.
2. Men would never trust a female DP.
3. There is ONE female DP in my entire class.
4. Men prioritize crewing for each others' projects.
5. Men collaborate with male colleagues and  "help" female colleagues.
6. Men respect female writers, men can't imagine to acknowledge a superior female director.
7. There are fewer female faculty members in Directing.
8. Men don't discuss the filmmaking potential of their female colleagues. Women always discuss the inspiring male filmmakers.
8. Men understand film equipment better. Period.

It is not a question of whether this is conscious or unconscious, on the part of the male filmmakers but it is what it is. Things have been like that for ages. It's a thought process, it's a way of life. But at some point, this has to change. And as women we have to stand up to break out of this pattern.

We need to give each other more credit for our accomplishments and less jealous criticism. We have to encourage and support other female filmmakers. It does not matter what is the caliber of filmmaking, the point is that we need a stronger female voice and that can only be achieved if more and more women come out of the closet and feel determined to express themselves in front of the world as filmmakers. We need to engage in constructive criticism, and work towards improvement. We have to be conscious in not shying away from expressing ourselves. We have to make a conscious effort to be there for each other, as artists, as friends, as competitors and begin a solid camaraderie which for some strange reason seems to be missing.

11 April 2012

We will be great someday. Just not today.

There comes a time when we push past all the pettiness and try to achieve a state of calm. Except, when we are twenty something, being childish is the unconscious norm. We are struggling, we are fighting, living in a constant state of heady unrest. Loving it, hating it, dissatisfied with absolutely everything that is not "us". Selfish as hell, directionless and charging onto the goal of what we believe is "greatness". Nothing less would do for us. We're a bunch of thirsty predators. Love, hurt, games and politics, we are machiavelli's children. We're  blind, we're stubborn. We are trying to be great, we're dying to be great. What sets us apart is the abysmal desire within.

And if we can wriggle out of this bubble we live in, maybe one day we will be great. For now, we shall just remain a bunch of twenty somethings.